Renacci Statement on Why Today's Short-Term Highway Trust Fund Vote is Not Beneficial for the American People


Date: July 15, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Rep. Jim Renacci (OH-16) released the following statement after voting against yet another short-term patch to fix our nation's infrastructure.

"The American people deserve more than yet another short-term patch for something as important as investment in our national infrastructure system -- the lifeline of our communities nationwide. The longer we wait to fix our crumbling infrastructure, the more it will cost in the long-run. As former mayor of Wadsworth, OH, I have been in this situation before. In 2005, one of our infrastructure projects began as an $18 million project. Today, the cost for that project would have increased cumulatively by approximately 50% due to delays. As a result, the project has been trimmed and amended to accommodate the cost increases. I refuse to let this happen to our nation's roads and bridges - passing on the costs to our children and grandchildren," Renacci stated after the vote.

Renacci has a bipartisan, long-term solution -- Bridge to Sustainable Infrastructure Act -- to fix our deteriorating infrastructure, because the users of our roads, our workers, and state and local governments need the certainty that adequate and timely transportation program reauthorizations and funding provide. This bill would ensure Congress funds our transportation infrastructure for at least 10 years, providing certainty and predictability to our states, counties, and cities.
